2025 offerings



We raise heritage breed hogs on pasture, supplemented with GMO-free feed from a local supplier, whey, and lots of fruits and veggie scraps. With the fresh air, fresh pasture, and fresh produce, our pigs lead healthy lives and are a true delight to raise. They also serve an important role in our multi-species pasture restoration and management system. These pastured heritage breed pigs are consistently some of the most delicious and high-quality meat available.

The details: Pork is available in mid October by the whole or half, $7.50 per pound, plus a cut and wrap fee paid to the butcher. The hanging weight of a pig averages around 150 - 220 lbs. This includes bones and excess fat, so the actual take home meat is about 60 - 75% of the hanging weight (depends on how many bone-in cuts, etc.). The pigs are slaughtered on our farm and then transported to a Tacoma butcher. We'll put you in touch with the butcher and they can walk you through the options for how you would like your meat prepared for the freezer and you will pick up your meat from them when it is ready.


We raise heritage breed chickens on pasture, supplementing their forage of grass and bugs with organic feed. Our chickens are housed in mobile chicken tractors that are moved to fresh pasture daily. They’re protected from predators at night inside the tractors and range free outside the tractors during the day.

The details: Chicken will be available in late September by increments of 6 chickens (6, 12, 18, etc.). Chicken is $7.50 per pound and the average weight of our chickens is 4.5 - 5 lbs. Our chicken is processed on our farm in Northeast Olympia and will need to be picked up that afternoon. You will want to bring a cooler (and some ice if you are traveling from outside of the Olympia area). If you would like feet or organ meat, please let us know!

We’d love to feed you.